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Open Graph Protocol

We have now enabled Open Graph protocol support for links sent via PastorsLine. This technology allows web pages and text messages to become rich, visually engaging objects when shared on social networks or messaging platforms.

Specifically, PastorsLine links now display a “Tap to Load Preview” feature for recipients. This allows people to see a snapshot preview of the content before clicking the link, adding an extra layer of security and transparency.

Many individuals feel apprehensive about clicking on links these days, even if sent from known, trusted sources. Link previews powerfully overcome this hurdle by allowing recipients to validate the link destination before tapping. This prevents unexpected or unwanted redirects, building further trust in the process.

In today’s world, instilling confidence through visual validation is key. Suspicious links can undermine perceived security and damage engagement. By showing people what they are clicking on first, PastorsLine proactively eases doubts or concerns. This empowers greater connection and interaction.

The addition of Open Graph link previews signifies our commitment to facilitating seamless, trust-based communication between church leaders and their communities. We want to promote worry-free link-sharing that enriches relationships and brings people together through technology. Overall, this feature boosts link transparency, further establishing PastorsLine as a premier channel for reliable church communications.


Tap to Load Preview

category: Web App (V3)    tags: Features, messages, MMS, mobile app

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