Critical Alerts
Your ministry’s goal is connecting, reaching, and engaging with a mobile generation through text for your ministry. To fulfill your goal, you need to know when messages don’t get through—either because you sent a message and it failed or your account did not have enough message credits. At PastorsLine, transparency is important to us as it’s critical for your communication.

Even though text messages have a 97% open rate, your contacts can’t open a message they don’t receive.
If that message is a timely one (like a bulk text, telling 500 people your weekend service was cancelled due to weather), it is essential to know you need to contact one or two of them personally, so they don’t show up.
And when you come to send that ‘weather cancellation’ message, you don’t want to find out at the last minute that you don’t have enough message credits to text your ministry.
Our PastorsLine system alerts mean that you can always have enough message credits and that your contacts will always receive the needed information (in one form or another).
Undelivered message alerts: Know the status of each sent message, so you can follow-up as needed.
Each sent message will show as:
Sent / Delivered
The text message went through on our end, but we haven’t yet received confirmation from the contact’s mobile carrier.
Failed or Undelivered
There was an issue, so we’ve flagged it for your follow-up. The failed message badge will appear at the side of any unsent message. There is also an undeliverable message filter at the Inbox: you can filter for all failed messages with one click.

Low Credits Alert:
Being able to communicate 24/7/365 is very important for churches. So, PastorsLine can notify you when your credits are low. You simply change your Credit Threshold in User Settings-Notifications, so we can alert you to take action.
Features by Goals
How it works
PastorsLine critical alerts help keep your communication effective and
engaging 24/7/365.
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If you sign up today, we will give you a bonus 500 credits.
So act now. No CC required. No obligation to purchase. We will NOT automatically bill you if you are using our FREE trial. Try it, risk-free.
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