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Analytics: Logs and Reporting

Our analytics module allows you to track how your text or voice campaigns are performing by date, user, numbers, keywords, and incoming and outgoing single or group actions. You will be able to know why something failed instantly. The results empower you to make better-informed decisions in areas such as resource allocation and future text/campaigns best practices.

Logs and Reporting

Our Analytics feature lets you

  • See an overview of actions (logs) listed by dates  especially shines for group campaigns as you can see totals of: messages sent, unsubscribed, duplicates, and sent to landlines.

  • Have tracking data at your fingertips in your Inbox. For example, undelivered email flag.

  • Generate reports of your activity (currently in beta and being revised to be more meaningful).

  • Increase the frequency of the text and voice campaigns your church likes and decrease the frequency of the ones not so welcome.

  • View all messages to your PastorsLine number(s) based on category filters. This is for both text and voice messages, and includes categories such as SMS Inbox Single: any incoming msgs sent by individuals to your PastorsLine number(s), and Voice Outbox Group: voice broadcasts sent from your PastorsLine number(s) to groups.

  • Know the status of each sent message: Sent = The text message went through on our end, but we haven’t yet received confirmation from the contact’s mobile carrier. Delivered = Done and dusted. Failed or Undelivered = There was an issue, so we’ve flagged it for your follow-up.

Analytics and reports increase churches’ accountability for the results of their communication strategies. Higher accountability usually leads to long-term growth—you now have the data (and the opportunity) to change things for the better.


Free Trial

Full Access, No CC, 30 Days

  • 500 messages
  • 1 U.S. or CA Phone No.

Paid Plans

$15 - $750 Per Month

  • 500 - 57,5000 messages
  • 1 - 30 U.S. or CA Phone Nos.

Larger Plans

Tailored Solutions

  • Custom messages
  • Custom U.S. or CA Phone Nos.

Real Clients


Our full feature, free trial

If you sign up today, we will give you a bonus 500 credits.

So act now. No CC required. No obligation to purchase. We will NOT automatically bill you if you are using our FREE trial. Try it, risk-free.

edit-brightness@2x  Get 500 Free Credits Now!  edit-brightness@2x

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