Smart Syncing
Manage your duplicate contacts via Smart Syncing when integrating your apps with PastorsLine. Easily avoid creating messed up data when syncing your data and when adding new profiles to your external apps. Our smart syncing, semi-AI feature will help minimize duplicate data in your external apps.

We believe in an ‘AND’ not an ‘OR’ digital strategy; that churches should use a variety of platforms which are the best at what they do—such as PastorsLine which is best at 2-way, personalized, mass bulk texting for churches.
Instead of data silos, you have external apps (see full list of our integrations here) which you love and use. Now, you can allow PastorsLine to integrate, so that you can send text messages and push data back to your external apps.
With our two-way integrations, you can create new profiles in your external apps, but in doing so, you would want to avoid duplicate data. Duplicate data in your external apps can create an additional workload.
It’s why we created our Smart Syncing module.
With Smart Syncing, we will only sync new contacts that don’t have potential duplicates. If any conflicts are found, we would hold those contacts for moderation and allow you to decide how to sync those contacts and which profiles to assign them to.
To catch any possible repetitions, our Smart Syncing feature searches first and last names, emails, and phone numbers; identifies duplicates; and gives you possible matches, so you can make the final choices more easily.
E.g. There is an opt-in text from the number 888-123-4567. Smart Syncing finds, say, Mom (Jane Doe) and Dad (John Doe) from your external app. Instead of assuming that Jane or John initiated the opt-in text, we will hold that new contact and let you confirm.

Our Smart Syncing feature lets you
Quickly identify the status of contacts in synced groups — a system flag identifies the following conditions: Matched (already processed) and Pending/Duplicates.
Automatically sync profiles that don’t have potential duplicates, saving you time and energy.
Manage duplicates on a timely basis — emails are sent every hour on the hour to the admins and any user assigned to that group if duplicates are found.
Keep on top of possible duplicates with two NEW visual alerts in our app, visible to admins and anyone assigned to that group: a notice at the top of your groups page alerts you to possible duplicates AND an icon next to each individual group on our group pages to let you know if there are duplicates in that group.
How it Works
You can find your unresolved confilicted profiles in the People view: Click on People --> If you have Unresolved Conflicted Profiles, you will see a turquoise banner message. --> Click on View all in that message.
You can also find unresolved conflicted profiles in the Group view: Click on a Group --> Make sure you are on the People tab. If you have Unresolved Conflicted Profiles, you will see a turquoise banner message. --> Click on View all in that message.
Either way, the Resolve Conflicted Profiles page will open.
For each contact, you will compare and choose the correct information for each data item (name, email, phone, etc.). Then click Save.
Enjoy a choice of two videos.
Two different PastorsLine team members guide you through the process. Since the videos are short (about 3 minutes each), we suggest that you watch both.
With Smart Syncing, duplicate profiles in your external apps can’t fly under the radar: either we deal with them or we message you so you can do the necessary.
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