Solutions for...VBS
VBS is a fun and interactive way to “train up children in the way they should go.” It’s also a great opportunity to reconnect with parents who have strayed and start relationships with unchurched community members.
No doubt you’re covered as to what to do—there are some excellent VBS packages out there. But what about the logistics side of things—the organization and communication?
The PastorsLine bulk text messaging service lets you send personalized, group messages and allows individual replies. You can also segment your audience into groups, and automate a lot of the processes. That means people are only getting relevant, non-spammy texts. You save time and stress less.

Rolling out a successful VBS campaign is a huge communicative undertaking.
- Before, you’re busy with advertising the event, asking for help and donations, making lots of arrangements, getting a lot of info to a lot of people.
- During, there are all types of communication needs such as: attendee (kids/teens) updates, volunteer instructions, keeping parents up-to-date, giving everyone info about changes, 1:1 alerts, etc. During VBS, you can use our keyword capture feature for feedback and fun activities (contests, polling, etc.).
- After, you’d like to keep the relationship going with your attendees and their parents; encourage first-time visitors to continue coming to church; and thank your team, volunteers, and church members for all their help and support.
Whew! But we know it’s worth it.
Thing is, nobody’s really checking their emails and who has time to call everyone individually? (They might not even pick up, either.)
The best attention-getting option is text messaging. Here’s how our group texting service for churches can help you with VBS.

PastorsLine allows you to set up things well in advance of VBS.
Our automation feature means that you can create message campaigns now and schedule them for pre-, during and post-VBS.
Since we integrate with many popular church management systems, we are able to automatically pull in your contacts and groups which you have already created. No double data entry!
Create as many groups as necessary. While your texts are sent out in bulk, replies are individual, for natural texting with a human feel.
Using different opt in keywords for each group means that your respondents divide themselves into groups, so you don’t have to.
Segment each group further with tags. For example, tag kids who have food allergies or special dietary/health requirements.
During VBS, grouping makes it easy to send alerts and updates to parents, youth, and volunteers as needed. Track who received your messages with our critical alerts. We keep tabs on each message, letting you know who didn’t receive it, so you can follow up as needed.

Fun activities

Since kids are on their phones anyway, why not use them in the Lord’s service?
Contests are a way to keep kids interested. Even if the prize is small, the joy of winning motivates them to pay attention.
Polls are multitaskers. Using them like multiple choice questions gives you feedback about how well your VBS attendees are understanding the material. Polls can also give your VBSers a chance to let you know how they are feeling in general about this experience. Both uses allow you to tweak your VBS course in real time for better results.
Next year
The next time VBS rolls around, you are going to be way ahead of the game because everything you have done this year will be waiting for you to re-use.
Need to make small changes? Our user-friendly editing makes this a simple job.
Do tweaks to your VBS program mean that larger changes are needed? Your existing material becomes reusable templates, so you are not starting at square one.

Core Features
All these features are available and included in our free trial and all paid plans.

direct, automated data capture via phone from those interested

mobile keywords to opt in to different church campaigns

automatically create and manage groups

gather information via online forms

polls and surveys

personalized, bulk text messaging

personalized birthday wishes


create and schedule a series of automated messages

2-way integrations with CCB and Planning Center (MailChimp is next)
Information to get you started
Related article
Download this free eguide
Overall, texts are the most opened, fastest read and most responded to type of communication. When you think about your audience’s needs like Jesus did, texting becomes the preferred way for Pastors to do more in less time, staying connected to their audience’s needs while creating some insulation between their own spaces and those of their audience.
The PastorsLine platform is a church-driven, bulk texting platform developed and managed by church ‘insiders’. We know churches intimately. We’ve attended them, been part of their management teams and worked with them for many years. Our goal is to serve you by helping you spread the Good News of Jesus Christ. We’ve positioned ourselves to be your in-house, IT team for solutions to your communication issues. In addition to everything our platform can do, our partners love our responsiveness to their needs and fast tech support.
Our full feature, free trial
If you sign up today, we will give you a bonus 500 credits. The invite code is VBS. So act now. No CC required. No obligation to purchase. We will NOT automatically bill you if you are using our FREE trial. Try it, risk-free.