Currently, if you send a group message, you are charged for each message sent whether or not it was a landline, VOIP or mobile phone. Our vendor charges us for each attempt. Now you can check your imported numbers to classify whether they are landlines, VOIP (like Google numbers or another PastorsLine number) or mobile. After you do this, you can filter out the landline phones, for example, and delete them or for group messages, we will automatically skip sending to landline numbers by default. You will see a new checkbox option in your Group Send view. The combination of seeing and fixing failed messages (above) and this new feature means you can save credits and communicate more effectively—have more confidence that your message is being delivered.
(This service costs 1 credit per lookup. However, we have a Peter pays for Paul model. Once one client checks the classification for a number, we record that value across our entire app. When you do the checkup and if you happen to have the same contact in your database, you would not be charged and we will just display the number type.). Due to recent regulations, this feature doesn’t work for Canadian numbers.
tags: Numbers