One-time (temporary) Signature edit in real time
Customized signatures go a long way to personalizing your text messages. But what if you wanted to make a one-time change? In other words, this message only. You don’t want to have to update your default signature for this message and then update it again to your usual default signature, right? You don’t want to have to figure out where to click, what to save, etc. etc. We agree.
Sending a personalized message should be simple, not require multiple signature updates. That’s why we’ve introduced real-time, one-time signature editing for maximum messaging flexibility.
Now when crafting a text using any number except the PastorsLine short code or PastorsLine toll-free number, your signature appears editable right within the message composition box. Make tweaks or completely customize it for that single text without officially changing defaults. Your updates apply on the fly, just for that specific send.

One-time edit of signatures
Refresh the screen or start another message thread and your signature automatically reverts to the standard default. No more remembering settings or hunting through menus to revert one-off changes!
This new seamless functionality lets you highlight relevant info, append time-sensitive notes like event details, or underscore a passage to resonate a sermon’s theme. Get creative message-by-message without added steps interfering with inspiration or momentum.
One-time signature edits add custom message ‘color’ while keeping your long-term brand identity intact. We handle all the behind-the-scenes toggling, so you can stay focused on ministry connections. Just tap and tweak to personalize send-by-send in the flow!
category: Mobile App, Web App (V3) tags: Features, sms, signature, text