wyatt allen pastorsline

Case study: Wyatt Allen, Bible Prophecy Seminars

By Jason Alexis | October 8, 2017

Amazing Facts associate speaker, Wyatt Allen, conducting Bible Prophecy Seminars nationwide, recently shared his own amazing experience with the PastorsLine communications platform. A few months ago Allen was scheduled to lead out in a city-wide public seminar in Houston, Texas area. As he spoke with the Houston Central Church communications director about strategy and logistics…

which tool

Texting: CCB vs. PastorsLine vs. TextMarks vs. Aware3 app vs. ProAppsLive app

By Anne Heath | August 24, 2017

Editor’s Note: A church partner shared this internal memo with us. This memo was sent to their senior leaders to get approval to switch from TextMarks. After weeks of grilling us (we didn’t mind) and maximizing the FREE 30-day trial, they were able to present an informed case about PastorsLine. Their proposal was accepted. I’ve…

What’s Happening At the Moment

PastorsLine / CCB Integrations: What’s Happening At the Moment

By Jason Alexis | June 26, 2017

We’re really enjoying how your feedback is leading to improvements and refinements. Thanks and keep those comments / requests coming! Here’s where we are at the moment… Duplicates handling It’s no secret that most CCB users probably have tons of duplicate data within their applications. And once you sync that data with ours…well, we’ve most…

Fixes, Features, and forecast

April 2017 Features, Fixes and Forecast

By Jason Alexis | May 1, 2017

We have done a ton under the hood of PastorsLine. You will continue to notice improved performance when using the desktop or mobile app. Mobile App ​Talking about the mobile app, have you tried it yet? Whether or not you prefer using the desktop version, I would recommend installing and signing into the app. This…

Cloud Based Text Messaging

Easy Ministry Ideas | PastorsLine

By Anne Heath | April 5, 2017

Are you looking for an easy and simple ministry to start of your own? Well, in this video, I talk about how you can use your cell phone to make a difference for the Kingdom of God. Stay tuned! Hey guys, my name is Justin and I want to welcome you to That Christian Vlogger,…

Church Communication System

Why cloud based text messaging solution trumps other applications like Skype, iMessenger, WhatsApp, etc…

By Jason Alexis | February 14, 2017

Using a cloud-based app allows you to extend the application and integrate with other tools that you are using.

Text vs. Email vs. Push

Text vs. Email vs. Push

By Jason Alexis | January 24, 2017

Many pastors, church leaders and ministers face the same problem: how to quickly communicate important information to your entire congregation. In the past, there were easy, straightforward solutions. You could send something in the mail, hand out a note at church, or call people. There was a time when writing a letter was the easiest…

Church Management Software

Church Online: The Steps

By Jason Alexis | February 11, 2016

In our previous post about church online, we talked about how your church can reach out to a new, digital mission field. I have been helping businesses, churches and ministries with digital and mobile marketing for years now and I recently saw that Jay Kranda, the online campus Pastor at Saddleback Church, had a video…


Case study: Scott and Julie Lorino, Houston Central Seventh-day Adventist Church

By Jason Alexis | January 26, 2016

Scott and Julie Lorino have been leaders in children’s ministry since 2001. They have served as Adventurers club leaders, both at their home congregation of Houston Central Seventh-day Adventist Church and district-wide in the Texas Conference, as well. Read on to hear how the Lorinos are building an effective communication strategy for a Children’s Ministry.…


Case Study: UBC Makes Effective Use of Text Messaging to Reach Its Congregation

By Jason Alexis | January 11, 2016

Over the past decade, United Baptist Church (UBC) in Hempstead, NY has been developing a digital communication strategy, to grow their church. Their main communication channels include a mobile app, a website and a Facebook page. They also utilize the PastorsLine (formerly crossMRKT) text messaging service. When Pastor Sedgwick Easley first arrived at UBC, the…