We’re really enjoying how your feedback is leading to improvements and refinements. Thanks and keep those comments / requests coming!
Here’s where we are at the moment...
Duplicates handling
It's no secret that most CCB users probably have tons of duplicate data within their applications. And once you sync that data with ours...well, we’ve most likely randomly selected one of the duplicates and discarded the others. (For us, duplicates are two or more CCB individuals who had the same phone number.)
Some of our ministry partners were concerned about sending text messages to a child or merging in the child's name and sending a message that is going to be received by an adult. Many families may be assigned the same phone number during check-in as you might be aware.
What we did to attend to these issues was the following.
- We will import all contacts but choose the primary contact profile first; if none, then the spouse; if none, then we randomly pick a contact.
- You will be able to visually see the duplicates and switch which contact you want to be the primary contact for that number.
- You can now know exactly which CCB profile you are working with by clicking on the CCB icon and opening the url within your CCBChurch Application—just in case if you want to make edits.
- We added a manual Resync Contacts and Resync Groups within the integration page. What this does is allow you to activate the new changes as well as have options in the future to sync all your data without disabling and reenabling the application.
To get started, click on "Resync Contacts".
Any data from PastorsLine is automatically pushed into your CCB app. However, we only sync new data from CCB when you login. You also have an option to manually update a specific group you are working with by clicking on Sync Now within the PastorsLine application.
We temporarily turned off autosyncing on login as we need to tweak our architecture. Given the sudden growth in the # of CCB partners who are using / testing our application, it's time to grow up 🙂 To be clear, you can manually sync your entire application on the Integration Page by clicking on Resync Groups or you can sync a specific group as well.
Webinar Replay and Office Hours
Would you or anyone from your church be interested in joining me LIVE for a Q & A-styled office hour to get your questions answered about our Church Community Builder (CCB) integration and/or PastorsLine?
If so, we organized an easy way for you or anyone from your team to:
- Choose a time that works best for you.
- Tell us which application you are more interested in getting further information about (or both).
You can register here. CCBsync.com
Guest Follow-up Process
Learn how First Baptist Orlando is using CCB and PastorsLine to effectively follow up with first time guests at their church. pastorsline.com/integration-ccb/#guest.
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