Tag: marketing
10 Ways Ministries are Using Text Messaging
By Jason Alexis | November 4, 2015
Churches and ministries are using text messages on cell phones and devices in increasing numbers. Texts are short messages of up to 160 characters that can be sent from one cell phone to another. Once the teen-aged crowd made the cell phone a ubiquitous device carried everywhere, anytime, anyplace, they began creating a shorthand form for words, to pack even more into the short (160 – character) messages.
5 Real Life Examples of Ministries That are Using Our Text Messaging System
By Jason Alexis | October 9, 2015
Smart phones are everywhere. It does not matter whether you are in a church service or a coffee shop, nearly every person has a smartphone on their person. In fact, 90% of adults in the United States carry a cell phone.