Tag: online giving
Texting Software for Churches: Why text after COVID? 5 top reasons
By Jason Alexis | September 9, 2022
While we were in lockdown and isolation, many ministries onboarded texting software for churches to help them stay in touch with their people. Now that the restrictions are more-or-less lifted and life is settling into the new normal, people are back in church. Why continue to text and keep a digital footprint? Reason #1:…
Are you using texting in churches? Here are top 3 things you should already be doing
By Jason Alexis | February 14, 2017
If you are already using texting, then you are probably already doing these 3 things. If you are new to using texting, here are the top 3 activities most churches should be doing to get started. I. Sharing Sending emergency updates, news updates and newsletters: One of the main reasons for using SMS messaging is…
Case Study: UBC Makes Effective Use of Text Messaging to Reach Its Congregation
By Jason Alexis | January 11, 2016
Over the past decade, United Baptist Church (UBC) in Hempstead, NY has been developing a digital communication strategy, to grow their church. Their main communication channels include a mobile app, a website and a Facebook page. They also utilize the PastorsLine (formerly crossMRKT) text messaging service. When Pastor Sedgwick Easley first arrived at UBC, the…
10 Ways Ministries are Using Text Messaging
By Jason Alexis | November 4, 2015
Churches and ministries are using text messages on cell phones and devices in increasing numbers. Texts are short messages of up to 160 characters that can be sent from one cell phone to another. Once the teen-aged crowd made the cell phone a ubiquitous device carried everywhere, anytime, anyplace, they began creating a shorthand form for words, to pack even more into the short (160 – character) messages.