Tag: video
Hear what Lupé Lopez (Anna First Baptist Church) + 4 others said about PastorsLine’s Real Video Texting
By Anne Heath | November 29, 2023
The PastorsLine Real Video Attachment (RVA) feature allows pastors and church leaders to send live video messages directly to their congregations’ devices. These real-time, authentic videos provide more personal communication than pre-recorded content. Key benefits include real-time engagement with viewers, raw and unfiltered speaking from the heart, and immediacy for urgent matters.
User feedback indicates the feature works excellently – videos attach natively, the interface is easy, and church members respond positively. In summary, the PL RVA live video capability enables more authentic church-member communication to build community and share Christ’s message of hope. It is an indispensable tool for today’s church leaders looking to foster greater engagement through transparency and vulnerability.