You’ve most likely heard A LOT about including text messaging as part of a church communications plan. Some of what you’ve heard is in favor of including texting and some is against. It can seem a bit confusing.
As a result of the confusion,
- You might not be using text because you mistakenly think it doesn’t work.
- You might be using text but NOT to its maximum effectiveness.
Add to that the fact that text messaging has matured which means the rules have changed somewhat. Your users today are more choosy. If the texts they are receiving aren’t relevant (spammy), chances are your users will unsubscribe from your text number (like unsubscribing from an email list).
So, what is the bottom line? Is including text in your digital strategy worth it?
Quick Recap: Why should your church even bother with text at all?
Mobile phones are the most used global communications device. Recent figures put the global figure for smartphone users at 2.6 billion … and growing.
What is the core phone function which most people use most often? In the U.S., it’s texting—97% of the people text one or more times every day. That means the number of texts sent by the average American is DOUBLE the number of phone calls.
In some groups, the texting rate is even higher. Each Millennial, on average, sends 2,022 texts each month. That’s 67 texts each day. Is your church part of those discussions?
“We like texts over phone calls,” say 55% of people who send 50 or more daily texts.
And people rush to answer their texts: Answering an email? 90 minutes on average. Answering a text? About 90 seconds!
Can all this texting do anything positive for your church? ABSOLUTELY!
Here’s an effect of texting in church: 50% more kids attending weekly services, 200% more kids attending events.
It’s clear then that mobile devices are becoming the #1 choice for digital communications. In other words, if your church does not have a mobile communication strategy, chances are people aren’t really hearing what you are saying.
Honestly, I think you get this. Let’s go into the fun stuff.
Now read --> OK, texting IS an important communications tool. But what about email and push notifications?