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In our PastorsLine Legacy version, we had an option to receive email notifications about missed calls and voice messages. When we moved to PastorsLine V3 (our current version), somehow this option got overlooked. We have now restored it.

Why would you want to enable this option?

In many cases, PastorsLine numbers are shared among several staff members. However, only one of them should receive the missed calls and voice messages email notifications.

How to enable this option

This is done on your My Numbers page. When editing settings for a specific number, scroll down to the Missed Calls/Voicemails option. Toggle it on and edit the ‘send to’ email.

Toggle on to receive email notifications

Read more about editing your number settings here.

Read more about editing your notification settings here.

category: Web App (V3)    tags: Voice, Notifications, missed calls, voice messages

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