- More integrations: It’s our aim to integrate with as many ChMSs that you are likely using. Elvanto, Ministry Platform and ACS are closer to the top of the list of integrations to explore. We already integrate with PCO and CCB. Even our current integrations have future features we hope to release. We strongly believe in connected systems to help you ensure the least amount of people fall through your digital cracks.
- PastorsLine – Level 2: We think the time is coming for a makeover so our website is cleaner and more user-friendly. As long as we’re at it, we are going to make it faster and more powerful. Name of the game is better communication, right? This is likely to happen in 2019 but wanted to mention that we are fully aware of some of the experiences. We have had many of you saying our application is “slick but not perfect” and a few others are “confused”. We know we can create a powerful solution that is simple to use. Given the number of changes we have done over a short time, as well as seeing dozens of churches and how they use our system, a revamp is inevitable. In the meantime, we will continue to tweak the current architecture to ensure it is clear and works as expected.
tags: Forecast