Merge Fields Case Insensitive
Personalized merge fields are a fantastic way to add relevant details when sending PastorsLine bulk messages. Options like contact first name enable thoughtful, human-centered communication.
We know you want merged information to appear polished and professional. That’s why merge fields now automatically fix casing if the merge field name is entered incorrectly.

Select Merge Fields
For example: You are creating a message to John. Instead of selecting a merge field from the Add Merge Fields menu, you decide to type it on the fly. You type “[first name]” instead of “[First Name]”. Previously, John would have seen “Hi [first name]!” instead of “Hi John!” because the PastorsLine platform did not recognize the merge field. Now, the merge field “[first name]” will intelligently render as “[First Name]” without showing the lowercase error. In other words, John will see “Hi John!” as he should. No matter how you input their name, phone number, or other data, merge fields display properly capitalized in messages.
This enhancement safeguards against distracting typos while allowing your team to freely type information in their own natural way. Behind the scenes, our system cleans up casing so you can focus on ministry instead of fixes.
Merge fields should ease messaging, not introduce additional work. With automatic case correction, you can merge confidently knowing data will sync up in send-ready form. More time connecting, less time correcting!
category: Web App (V3) tags: Features, texting, sms