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Short code = the PastorsLine, shared short code (77411)

I. Regular SMS text messages:

For SMS messages sent via your LONG code

We will auto-reprocess your messages using either the SHORT code or toll free number (depending on what you have selected in the Organization Settings page).

If you sent the SMS message via the SHORT code

We will auto-reprocess your message using your long code.

II. SMS text messages containing a LINK (URL):

If you sent these SMS messages via your LONG code

We will auto-reprocess your messages using the short code or toll free number (depending on what you have selected in the Organization Settings page).

For such text messages sent via the short code

We will auto-reprocess using your LONG code number.

III. MMS messages (text + image):

1. If you sent these messages via your LONG code:

1a. We first check internally to see if their carrier accepts MMS from a short code.

1b. If it does, we resend your message using the short code.

1c. For those who do not, we will convert the image into a URL instead of an attachment and then auto-reprocess your message using the short code.

2. For such text messages sent via the SHORT code OR a toll free number:

2a. We first check to make sure the carrier accepts MMS from a short code.

2b. If it does, we resend your message using the short code.

2c. For those who do not, we will convert the image into a URL instead of an attachment and then auto-reprocess your message using the short code.

2d. If it is still undelivered after all of that, we auto-reprocess your message again using your LONG code.

tags: Inbox, Contacts, Settings, Fixes, Notifications, texting, shortcode

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