Why and how your church should use Zoom to live stream your church services, especially in emergencies (Part II)

By Jason Alexis | March 20, 2020

In times of national or international crises, our faith is tested. At the same time, though, an opportunity presents itself where those who are attending church but wavering or those who are not regular attendees, all find themselves in a desperate need and search for God. We know many of us may be at different…

Pastorsline Blog Graphics

Plans for Summer?

By Jason Alexis | July 11, 2018

Summer is well on its way and I hope you have or planned some downtime. Our summer plans include some downtime but lots of prep work to help churches do more with our system. We are working hard to be ready for your next major event be it Christmas, Easter or your next big weekend…

volunteers by PastorsLine

Minimizing headaches when working with a volunteer team

By Jason Alexis | June 14, 2018

I can’t say working with a paid staff is easier, but the challenges of working with a volunteer team at your church can be unique and demanding. Even at churches with paid staff, there are dozens of people who volunteer that might be organized into teams. The unique challenges are usually the same. As the…

pastorsline Background

How to make the most of SMS for VBS

By Jason Alexis | June 3, 2018

Many of you are hard at work on the fast-approaching VBS season. Whether a fully paid, subsidized or free series of events, VBS is a very big deal. In her article on the website, Facts and Trends, Sara Shelton informed: “Churches that used LifeWay VBS material reported more than 2.5 million people enrolled in VBS”.…

Fixes, Features, and forecast

May 2018 Features, Fixes and Forecast

By Anne Heath | May 29, 2018

After working flat out for about a year on our Church Community Builder (CCB) and Planning Center Online (PCO) integrations, it was time to give our own PastorsLine platform some much needed TLC. So, we’ve been hard at work dealing with tons of bug fixes as well as new coding to incorporate your great feedback…

Pastorsline Text Evangelism

Text Evangelism Part 2

By Jason Alexis | April 29, 2018

Everything You Need to Know About Text Evangelism (Part 2) So, text messaging. Can this be an evangelistic tool? Well, let’s find out. Jason Alexis, digital disciple, church communication director, and co-founder of Pastor’s Line tells his experience with text evangelism and how it can impact your ministry. New? Free Signup! How does it work?…

Pastorsline Text Evangelism

Text Evangelism Part 1

By Jason Alexis | April 22, 2018

Everything You Need to Know About Text Evangelism (Part 1) Imagine using text to bring your church members together, stay in touch with visitors, and initiating Bible study. Jason Alexis, digital disciple, church communication director, and co-founder of Pastor’s Line tells his experience with text evangelism and how it can impact your ministry. New? Free…

Pastorsline Welcome

Digital Connect Texts

By Anne Heath | April 18, 2018

Digital Connect Texts Your weekend services are too important to let any new guests fall through the cracks. Let us help you reach more guests by adding our Digital Connect Texts to your service this weekend. New? Free Signup! How does it work? New guests and visitors walk through your doors each weekend. We know…

Fixes, Features, and forecast

March 2018 Features, Fixes and Forecast

By Anne Heath | March 14, 2018

Since we last reported, we’ve been full steam ahead on your wishlist items and tweaking things to make PastorsLine more intuitive and even more powerful. One of the areas we have been busy attending to is the issue of multiple numbers. More than one telephone number is great but it can get confusing. We have…

Digital Communications

2018 Digital Communications (+ 4 Steps to Engage)

By Jason Alexis | February 18, 2018

At the start of the year, we often look at where churches are heading. What’s very clear is that the knowledge bases of most churches are now only a few months (versus years) behind what the marketing business world does to digitally communicate their message. This doesn’t indicate where churches are but where the knowledge…