Perrysburg First United Methodist Church is “here to serve, not to be served”. They serve a long list of local, national and international missions that support adults, youth, and children.
Successfully running all these important missions depends on communication: people need to know what’s on offer as well as where to be, what to do, and when to show up.
Church administrative assistant, Melissa Mc Gurk shared with us her church’s journey (so far) with PastorsLine to meet their need for reliable, comprehensive communication. In other words, filling in their church’s communication cracks
The other methods just weren’t enough
Melissa told us that “previously we were using… Facebook, Instagram, emailed/mailed monthly newsletter, and weekly bulletins, but we felt like we needed one final communication method that made sure we were getting through to everyone who wished to be kept up-to-date whether they came to church regularly or not”.
So while they continue to use their previous methods, Perrysburg First United has added PastorsLine to their communication strategy.
How are they using PastorsLine at the moment?
Melissa said, “Right now we are using PastorsLine for a ‘weekly update’ as we call it [to] text/phone call to our congregation, and also as needed to communicate with specific groups. We also use it for any urgent or last-minute communication such as an unexpected office closure, or a reminder about something big coming up soon.”
Melissa, herself, uses PastorsLine to help her with her administrative duties. “My wish list was short, to be able to record and schedule the weekly calls/texts before I leave the office and not have to worry about it after that, and I am now able to do that, so I am happy!”
Has their church communication leveled up?
So far, so good.
Remember Melissa told us that her church felt they needed one final communication method to make sure they were “getting through to everyone who wished to be kept up to date whether they came to church regularly or not”?
Well, Melissa says, “PastorsLine has done that. Now if someone says ‘I didn’t know about that’, we know it’s not our fault!”
What about future plans with PastorsLine?
“In the future, our communications director would like to get more familiar with the program and use more aspects of it, but for now, it’s filling the #1 role we needed it to fill,” Melissa told us.
Are you looking for that one final communication method that keeps everyone up-to-date whether they come to church regularly or not?
Yes, take me to the free, $0 for 30 days trial.
Not yet, but I’d like to know more about texting in churches.