Easter is fast coming up and we’re sure you’ve already started planning/organizing for this important church celebration. Easter is one of the most attended weekends for Christian churches—many being people who haven’t been in church for a while.
We know the unchurched or used-to-be-churched are most receptive around Easter (and Christmas).
So you invest money and time to create nice graphics, set up landing pages with your services and maybe launch a few ads on FB to get people around your church to attend. Perfect.
Tons of new guests RSVP—now what?
Besides integrations with Planning Center and Church Community Builder, we now have a way to do even more through additional automations. Not only can you capture their data via text but you can offer next steps en mass.

Text WELCOME to 844-285-1815 to experience the workflow
Launched: Automated Messages.
Scroll down for the VIDEO.

Mockup: Automated Text Messages
This is a highly requested feature that we removed. Yes, we removed the first version. Automation is great, but automation should scale your personal relationship. We felt our first version didn’t do that very well.
The upcoming version of Automated Messages will allow you to create a series of follow-up messages with triggers. The entire series can be triggered by a keyword, a data capture campaign or manually entered. Each message in that series triggers based on a DATE or DAY.
Once set, we will do the rest, automatically.
Here’s an example: A first-time guest family attends your Easter weekend service. You can use our unique digital connect texts to capture their full name, email and phone number. All this currently happens via texts. No links. No digital cards. Just text.
Now you have their cell phone number (the most important contact), their email (if you want to send longer follow-ups) and their name (to make it personalized). And these data items are stored in the correct fields. Again, no links.
To keep in touch with your first-time guest family, the following texts can be sent automatically right after your Easter weekend celebration:
On the Monday after the Easter weekend service, the family gets a “So nice that you joined us” welcome text.
Two days later on Wednesday, they get a text about one or two things happening at the church that might be of interest to them with ways to follow up or links for more info.
A day prior to your next weekend service, the family gets a “Hope to see you tmw” msg.
Remember: this is not just a scheduled message (our system does this already), but it allows you to add a series of scheduled messages that can be triggered by a single trigger (keyword, data capture campaign or manual entry).
But Jason, this isn’t new. We know of such and such that does this.
Where we stand out is our integrations, our agile development, and our multi-user, multi-number and advanced options that work with small or large churches: No “one inbox” of confusion.
One more thing. You will be able to create a 1st-time path and an alternative path to ensure guests are not sent the same messages by accident. You will also be able to send text messages to users who are on your team. Say on Day 5, you want to send a message to your secretary (user on your team) to give a particular user (user in your contacts) a call. You can do that.