Are you looking for an easy and simple ministry to start of your own?
Well, in this video, I talk about how you can use your cell phone to make a difference for the Kingdom of God. Stay tuned! Hey guys, my name is Justin and I want to welcome you to That Christian Vlogger, a place where you get to join me and experience, “Faith in the First Person.” On this channel, I talk about relevant issues of faith every single Monday and Thursday, so definitely consider subscribing.
Today’s video is sponsored by my friends over at PastorsLine. My buddy Jason has been one of the original supporters of this channel and an instrumental part of giving me the courage to quit my job and direct all of my attention towards this Youtube Channel. So, out of gratitude to all that he’s done for me, I wanted to highlight some of the pretty cool work that he’s doing with his ministry over at Pastors Line. If you haven’t heard of it yet, PastorsLine is an incredible tech-based ministry that helps your church engage with the digital world through text. I’ve actually been one of the beta users of this service when Jason first launched it several years ago. If you’re watching this channel, you know the impact that digital media can have on the real world.
Let’s face it. Every single one of us has been impacted by a friend’s post, a video that was shared on social, or even an encouraging text message that just came at the right time. So, in this video, I want to share with you three ways that PastorsLine can help you use your cell phone to be able to share your faith.
1. Through texting — Texting is one of the simplest and easiest ways to share the gospel. For example, one of my buddies has a text-messaging ministry. Basically, what he does is send a short Bible verse and encouraging thought through text to his friends and family every single morning. It doesn’t have to be anything profound or deeply theological. In fact, that’s probably the beauty of it all.
Just a simple “Good morning, hope you have a wonderful day, and here’s a text I thought you would enjoy.” can really go a long way to making someone’s day better. And by partnering with PastorsLine, you can send messages to hundreds of people in the same amount of time it took you to send one text.
Why specifically texting you might be wondering? Well, did you know that 90% of all texts are opened within the first 3 minutes they are received. When you compare that to email where nearly 80% of emails are NEVER opened, it’s easy to see how text can make a difference.
2. Through polls and surveys — Whether you’re leading a church youth group or a mega church, the challenge is still the same. How can you get your audience to participate in the service? Unfortunately, today, many services have become consumer-based. In other words, most worship services today are structured where people just sit back and enjoy the show. My favorite worship services that I’ve been to have been interactive.
I’ve seen worship services where pastors start off the message with a question and have the audience vote with their answers being displayed live on the screen. I’ve also seen other programs where there is a live question and answer section following the message where congregants can text in their questions which are then displayed on the screen to have the pastor comment on it in real time. There’s just something really great about the possibilities that exist today to have a live back-and-forth conversation with technology like PastorsLine.
3. Last but not least: Through invitations — One easy way that your phone can be used to further the Kingdom is simply to utilize it to invite your unchurched friends or family to events and services. This is something a lot of churches are doing, especially with the upcoming Easter season around the corner. Paul says beautifully through Romans 10 that “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” And amazingly, despite how simple that really is, there is a challenge. There’s a part for you and I to play.
Paul continues on saying, “How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they’ve never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?” It used to be that in order to get someone to come to church, you had to actually go and ask them one by one or write individual letters to each of them. But, nowadays with technology like PastorsLine, you can send your invitations to everyone in your contact list or receivers of your email newsletter in seconds.
So, there you have it. Three simple ways to use your phone to further the Kingdom. Of course, if you want more information on PastorsLine, check them out at pastorsline.com to get a free 30-day trial. But until next time, I’m That Christian Vlogger, and I want to encourage you to experience, “Faith in the First Person.”
God Bless!!!