PastorsLine (PL) is a revolutionary software. By revolutionary, we mean that we have changed the way churches reach out to their members forever. Many of our customers testify to the significant increase in response rate they have experienced since they began using PastorsLine
Eddy Perez, one of our beloved clients, reached out to let us know how PastorsLine helped him surpass all his expectations. As a matter of fact, he called PL a ‘game changer’. He was so excited he had to send an email to us.
Here are his exact words:
“First, I want to express our joy for the PL platform. It has been a game-changer for us. Thanks to PastorsLine we were able to execute a conference event with a greater attendance than if we would’ve relied on traditional forms of communication (email). I went from a 10% response to over 70% instantly and eventually saw a 95% impression rate. This is beyond excellent for us.”
We are always excited when our clients tell us stories like this. It is beautiful to meet needs everywhere and help people surpass their goals of reaching out.
Of course, we are not surprised that texting increased the response rate by over 700%. That’s what we expect churches to see, but it makes our day when it happens.
Texting works because many people read more of their texts than their mails. Stats have shown that texting is a less obtrusive, more direct, and more discrete way to communicate with people. So you can engage them and get near-instant replies without making them feel uncomfortable.
Other means of engagement with your clients are great, but texting stands out from the lot, especially when you use PastorsLine.
We are not saying you should stop using other means of communication. Calls, emails, and other means of reaching out have their place. This is one of the reasons why PL has so many integrations, allowing you to do everything on one platform. In fact, one of the best things about PL is that there are so many features to make your campaign easier and more effective.
According to Eddy Perez:
“We haven’t even scraped the surface of its [PastorsLine] usefulness and capabilities. I’ve been promoting it widely among our pastors and departments.”
No doubt, we have a happy customer, and we are definitely happy, too.
You can also join PastorsLine to enjoy tremendous benefits. Run your campaigns with us now and feel so good while doing it!
I want to increase my church’s response rate too. Take me to the free 30 days trial!
We think it’s a good idea, but we’d like to know more about texting in churches first.