Interview: How Justin Carter of Cornerstone Christian Church is Effectively using PastorsLine especially during Emergencies

Case study: Justin Carter, Cornerstone Christian Church

By Anne Heath | January 20, 2019

A short while ago, I had a lovely chat with Justin Carter, Lead Minister at Cornerstone Christian Church in Eau Claire, WI. Justin has been with the church and as their lead minister for 8 years. It was very interesting to hear how Justin is using PastorsLine especially during emergencies. I asked Justin to tell…


Interview: How Michelle Dyke of Real Life Church is saving time with PastorsLine multi user functionality

By Anne Heath | November 27, 2018

It was my pleasure to speak with Michelle Dyke of Real Life Christian Church in Orlando, Florida. Michelle (a former Actuary) shared that once, she considered herself a Christian who “believed in God but didn’t believe in going to church”.  However, a life-changing life event made her feel lost, and she began looking for a…

Fixes, Features, and forecast

May 2018 Features, Fixes and Forecast

By Anne Heath | May 29, 2018

After working flat out for about a year on our Church Community Builder (CCB) and Planning Center Online (PCO) integrations, it was time to give our own PastorsLine platform some much needed TLC. So, we’ve been hard at work dealing with tons of bug fixes as well as new coding to incorporate your great feedback…

Pastorsline Welcome

Digital Connect Texts

By Anne Heath | April 18, 2018

Digital Connect Texts Your weekend services are too important to let any new guests fall through the cracks. Let us help you reach more guests by adding our Digital Connect Texts to your service this weekend. New? Free Signup! How does it work? New guests and visitors walk through your doors each weekend. We know…

Fixes, Features, and forecast

March 2018 Features, Fixes and Forecast

By Anne Heath | March 14, 2018

Since we last reported, we’ve been full steam ahead on your wishlist items and tweaking things to make PastorsLine more intuitive and even more powerful. One of the areas we have been busy attending to is the issue of multiple numbers. More than one telephone number is great but it can get confusing. We have…

List Of Characters Replaced By Copilot’s Smart Encoding

By Anne Heath | February 22, 2018

The following table is a list of characters that are replaced by Copilot’s Smart Encoding. See the original issue here. Unicode Character Glyph Description Transliterated Character U+00AB « left-pointing double angle quotation mark ” U+00BB » right-pointing double angle quotation mark ” U+201C “ left double quotation mark ” U+201D ” right double quotation mark “…

Church Community Builder ChMS Integration

Church Community Builder Process Queues

By Anne Heath | January 8, 2018

Church Community Builder Process Queues Do you know you can decrease your admin time, improve your guest follow up and member assimilation using the PL CCB integration with your process queues? New? Free Signup! How does it work? Hi Everyone… Anne here. Do you know you can decrease your admin time, improve your guest follow up…

Planning Center

Integration: Planning Center Online

By Anne Heath | January 4, 2018

Planning Center Integration PastorsLine now integrates with The Planning Center People App!  2-way Integration released (new)! Join FREE Beta How does it work? Hi Everyone… Anne here. We are so excited to share with you our newest integration. PastorsLine now integrates with The Planning Center People (PCP) App! This integration means all of your PCP App contacts…

Icon BG

Integrate Church Community Builder with PastorsLine

By Anne Heath | December 13, 2017

Engage with your Guests this Christmas Let PastorsLine save you time by seamlessly integrating into your Guest follow-up the process.  FREE Credits FREE Resources Hi Everyone… Anne here. Fun Christmas Challenge and bonus if you get it right! **Pay close attention to the # of hat changes in the video. After you sign up for your free trial,…

countdown to Christmas

Countdown to Christmas

By Anne Heath | December 11, 2017

  We love our clients here at PastorsLine -and we have partnered with some of the best and most creative churches out there! I want to share with you something one of our churches is doing this Christmas season because it is such a great way to connect with their church and it’s not too…