Contact: Travis Dorsch Position: Office Manager Church: Bad Axe Free Methodist Church Before PastorsLine Bad Axe Free Methodist Church had three main challenges: Uncertainty with Contact Information: Congregants were often unsure about the legitimacy of messages they received, as these messages came from unfamiliar numbers. Event Management: Organizing events and sending reminders was time-consuming...
With text messaging services like Viber, Skype, iMessenger, Google hangouts, WhatsApp, GroupMe, Kik, etc.- available free to use, why would you need anything else? For example, both GroupMe and Kik...
Churches and ministries are using text messages on cell phones and devices in increasing numbers. Texts are short messages of up to 160 characters that can be sent from one cell phone to another. Once the teen-aged crowd made the cell phone a ubiquitous device carried everywhere, anytime, anyplace, they began creating a shorthand form for words, to pack even more into the short (160 - character) messages. The cell phone is now one of the most highly used devices in the lives of all adults at work, as well...
Members and visitors must opt-in to be able to receive messages sent by service providers. To do this, most service providers use what are called short codes or long codes....
capture , engage , Pastors , Communication Directors , Christian Education/Schools , blog , Public Events , Hurricane