Spring 2021. In the US, things are moving towards being able to get back together face-to-face.
People are starting to meet in larger groups. However, the CDC still recommends masks, social distancing, and a more touchless environment.
QR codes can help with that.
What are QR codes?
A quick response (QR) code is a 2-dimensional bar code. We all know bar codes – those black lines on the supermarket products; the ones we need to scan in the self-checkout stations.
QR codes look a little different. Here is one to the left.
Try scanning it now.
Did you get a screen like this one on the right?
While it is possible to read QR codes from a desktop computer via a special program, the main use of QR codes is with mobile phones.
So, basically, we can think of a QR code as a link to information.
How can churches use the QR link to information?
Social distancing
You can use a QR code to link to a pre-registration, signup form which allows your church members to attend staggered worship times.
As we mentioned above, the suggestion is to keep public contact at a minimum. So, for example, it would be better to bring your own Bible to the sermon instead of using one at church. For those who don’t have a personal Bible (or forget it on the day), posters with QR codes can give them links to the main verses being read, a reliable Bible app, and/or the lyrics to the opening/closing hymns.
Another great use is church bulletins. A QR code link to your online church bulletin means that no hands have touched any paper you would need to touch to read what’s happening. (Reduces waste and saves paper, too!)
Of course, the above examples can continue to be used for convenience in the future too!
By now, we are familiar with “Text [keyword] to [phone number]” to opt into all sorts of things. Many churches are using this feature with their guest welcome and follow-up campaigns.
Yet, some people are not careful typists. They can make errors, get frustrated, and give up.
Make sure they get into your “system” via a QR code. This feature triggers a text option in which the keyword and “to” phone number are prefilled. All your new visitors need to do is send.
Perhaps you have some people who did not give you all their contact information. Use a QR keyword link to collect missing contact information by using a connected data capture.
Also, QR codes can link to virtually any PastorsLine automatic message campaign (AMC). This means that people opting in can be sent to prayer challenges, text-to-give requests, and audio/visual files of sermons and other spiritual/religious content.
Creating a QR code
PastorsLine does it automatically for you. You can then copy and paste the code onto the relevant website page. You can also print it out (enlarging it as needed) to create posters for your church entrance/lobby, sermon hall, meeting rooms, etc.
Check out this Help Desk article for more information: https://help.pastorsline.com/en/articles/4192881-making-your-service-a-touchless-experience
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