Here is a silver lining story shared by Associate Pastor Humberto Hilario of Iglesia Cristiana Buenas Nuevas.
It shows how the right communications platform can engage 95+% of your church members
Up to the time the clouds rolled in, their church communications were “in-person (mostly) or WhatsApp/messaging for some groups. We had no communications plan or follow up strategy.”
While this wasn’t the most efficient or effective communications methodology, it was getting the job done. So, there wasn’t all that much motivation to change things. Perhaps you’ve been in a similar situation or are in the same one now in your church.
Then the COVID-19 pandemic hit.
Suddenly, almost overnight, Humberto and his church realized that their way of communicating was just not enough.
They joined PastorsLine and took advantage of its Planning Center integration.
Humberto shared that “COVID-19 gave us the opportunity to connect in ways we were not used to, we wanted to communicate what was going on, how everyone was doing, prayer requests, etc. We connected to it through ‘Planning Center’ which we had been using since earlier in the year. The goal was to keep everyone together and the spiritual spark ablaze. The fact that most (+95%) of our members have remained in touch and engaged is the most significant win.”
Keeping 95+% percent of your church membership in touch and engaged is huge.
Even in the best of times, this is a serious win. And during some of the worst, like the times we have all been coping with this past year (and are not out of yet)… Well, it’s a blessing.
Humberto says that “since we are new to this, we have not yet tapped into all the PastorsLine can do, but do see great results, thanks to it.”
He plans on using PastorsLine to help with data collection such as email and birthday, giving him even more opportunities to connect with his flock.
Would you like a silver lining story for your church?
Yes, we could use a break in the clouds. We’re ready for your free, $0 for 30 days trial.
Not yet, but I’d like to know more about texting in churches.