How to Turn Church Emails into Automated, Communication Powerhouses

How to Turn Church Emails into Automated, Communication Powerhouses

By Jason Alexis | January 19, 2020

Don’t let the ‘lower-than-text open rate’ put you off. Email for churches is very much alive, well, and super useful. If your church is using email as your main tool to communicate with your congregations, it is time to reconsider. Most of your audience simply does not open your emails. Texting, with its 98% open…

10 Tips for zooming into online church meetings (Part I)

By Jason Alexis | December 20, 2016

Part II: Why and how your church should use Zoom to live stream your church services, especially in emergencies Why do you hold church meetings? To transfer information? Consider texting or sending an email instead. To socialize? Nice, but team-building activities are more effective…and more fun. That leaves situations where you and your church team…


Case Study: UBC Makes Effective Use of Text Messaging to Reach Its Congregation

By Jason Alexis | January 11, 2016

Over the past decade, United Baptist Church (UBC) in Hempstead, NY has been developing a digital communication strategy, to grow their church. Their main communication channels include a mobile app, a website and a Facebook page. They also utilize the PastorsLine (formerly crossMRKT) text messaging service. When Pastor Sedgwick Easley first arrived at UBC, the…

pastor richie

Case Study: Pastor Richie Halversen, College Drive Church and The Ridge.

By Jason Alexis | January 6, 2016

Pastor Richie Halversen is a dynamic preacher and caring pastor at the College Drive Church and its plant, The Ridge. These are Seventh Day Adventist congregations located outside of Jackson, Mississippi. When it comes to communications technology, Pastor Richie believes that it is of the utmost importance when  spreading the Gospel in today’s world. He…


How to roll out an effective Text subscription campaign & Rules you should follow

By Jason Alexis | November 18, 2015

Once you have purchased or subscribed to a SMS service, your members and visitors can easily agree to accept messages from you or opt-in to your service. You are not allowed to simply enter in a batch of phone numbers into the application and send out messages, because that is considered spam and is not allowed…


10 Ways Ministries are Using Text Messaging

By Jason Alexis | November 4, 2015

Churches and ministries are using text messages on cell phones and devices in increasing numbers. Texts are short messages of up to 160 characters that can be sent from one cell phone to another. Once the teen-aged crowd made the cell phone a ubiquitous device carried everywhere, anytime, anyplace, they began creating a shorthand form for words, to pack even more into the short (160 – character) messages.