We’d like to tell you a about a case study entitled: Upfront attention ‘seals the deal’ with Biltmore Church of God.
At PastorsLine, service is the main part of our organization’s culture. We truly feel that we serve God best by serving others well.
Of course, this applies to our partners—those who have chosen to use PastorsLine as part of their church’s digital communication methodology.
Just as importantly, however, it includes each and every person who is interested in PastorsLine…even before they sign up.
We were pleased and grateful to receive the testimonial written by Debra Pinner, Admin Assistant at the Biltmore Church of God. As you will see, it shows that we are on the right track.
Before PastorsLine
Debra shared: “We were /currently using Breeze as our giving and texting platform. We were searching [for] ways to use voice service for our people who do not text (older groups). I made an inquiry to Breeze about their plans to add that service. They recommended you guys.”
Why did Biltmore choose PastorsLine?
“I did some comparison to other companies,” Debra said. “We chose you guys for several reasons.”
“The option for a free trial was an attention-getter. However, we did end up bypassing that to get the extra credits once we decided we were going with you guys.”
“Second attention getter was that you were mainly focused on church organizations, and we felt that would be spiritually a better fit for us and that your attention would be more targeted on the details involved with communication needs as a church.”
“But the ‘seal the deal’ was the involvement with Anna even before the initial sign up.”
How has it been going?
Debra told us: “The staff and followup have been awesome. Pricing is very reasonable, and the plan has a lot of flexibility to adjust as needed while we are trying to figure out our needs in the beginning of program use.”
We would be honored to speak with you before, during, and after you sign up for our free, $0 for 30 days trial.
Sounds good but we’re not ready yet. However, I’d like to know more about texting in churches.